Tuesday 31 May 2016

what is Sirat e Mustaqeem?

Sirat E Mustaqeem

sirat e mustaqeem means straight path. Islam tell us about the sirat e mustqeem.

A real Muslims never can be a terrorist.

Be ware, whose is cruel and hard on a non-Muslims minority or curtails their right.

or burdens them with more than they can bear.

I Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) will complain against the person on the day of judgement.

Islam not say to kill the other people and innocent people.

Islam is a religion of mercy .Islam nor permission to you kill the other people.

Islam forbidden from the cruel.

who killed a person it shall be as if he had killed all mankind.

it is not Jihad who kill the other innocent people it is called terrorist.

Islam is truth religion .Islam give us lesson to mercy to each other.

Islam is the religion of Allah. 

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