Saturday 25 June 2016

what is islam ?

Islam means Surrender to the one God" ALLAH"

The principles of Islam are conveyed Through the Holy Quran Ans Ahle-e-Bait.

Islam is the Arabic word it means submission.and derives from a word meaning "peace"

In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of ALLAH.

We are muslims .Our religion is Islam.and Our Holy Book is called Quran e majeed.

The language of Quran in written in Arabic we use the of Allah its means One God.

The root of Islam is Salam which means peace and Islam means Submission.

In the religious context it means attaining peace through submission to the divine natural order

created by the one almighty God.

Islam is not new religion but the same truth that God revealed through all his prophets to every one.

Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life.

Every things in Islam are correct. Muslims follow the religion of peace,mercy,and forgiveness .

Islam is the best religion Allah say in Holy Quran :(Ina dina indallah el islam)

ALLAH ki Nazdeek din siraf islam ha.

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