Saturday 12 March 2016

what is Quran?

If you are wise then listen!

Noble Quran makes very clear that messengers of GOD were no more

then Divine postmen  29:18.

they delivered books and went back, after death ,their chapters

on this planet were closed. so, forget already died messengers,

and remember Allah Hayy-ul Qayyom, who never dies,

in all awaken conditions.and follow laws,Ethic and normal codes

of last protected 15:9 testament of GOD "QURAN"sincerely .

QURAN has its own built in dictionary ,

So it fully Explains itself .every verse is further explained

by many other verses of Quran.

Quran is standalone fully detailed Book 16:89 and in order to

understand made-easy Quran 54:17 you are not in need of any

external theological source such as fabricated hadith,

sunna, tafsirs,(exegesis)contexts,shan-e-nazools,mullahs,

imams,pseudo,scholars,,mullahs make fiqa (jurisprudence)

and interpretations.

Quran is simple 1+1=2, Do we need any exegesis or
interpretation of 1+1=2, Not at all,

Read verse 25:30,and know that prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)

will be very pleased if you have followed Quran sincerely .

Do not forget to read our page.

                  "How  to obey prophet after his death"


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