Thursday 3 March 2016

what is sirat-e - mustaqeem?

In the name of Allah ,we praise him,seek his help and ask for his forgiveness .

who ever Allah guide none can misguide,and who ever He allows to fall astray ,none can

guide then right .we bear witness that there is no one (no idol,no person,no grave,no prophet,no

imam,no Dai no body)worthy of worship but Allah Alone,and we bear witness that

Muhammad (P.B.U.H)is His slave-servant and the seal of His messengers.

we could not agree more with your beautiful and wise statement .you are absolutely right in stating

that it is not a question of who is,and who is not on sirat ul mustaqeem (straight path of Islam)but

what is sirat ul mustaqeem ?

and the Quran does indeed answer the Question comprehensively.

Allah says in the Holy Quran chapter No 3 Surah ALe Imran verse: 175:

it was shaitaan who was frightening the people withe fear of his awliyaas :there fore ,in future ,do not

 fear men ,but fear me ALLAH ,if you are True believers.

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