Saturday 30 April 2016

Sirat e Mustaqeem.

O Wise Man

If you have understood difference between two terms"Religion and "Deen"  Divinely prescribed way

of Life")
then you will realize ,why all Orginal scriptures including noble Quran are empty of all kinds of rituals.

"And the servants of Allah" are those who walked on the earth in humility and when the ignorant

address them, they say "peace"  25:63


AL-QURAN SAYS in 6: 114: " shall i seek for judge and ruler someone other than ALLAH?"

He it is who has revealed this book.,we expounded in detail for you.,

those whom we have given the book know that this is revealed in truth from your Lord.

Be not among those who argue for the sake of argument"

Thursday 28 April 2016

Qawal Imam Ali A.S


what is Quran?

So as for those who believed and did righteous deeds,their Lord will admit them into his mercy.

that is what is their clear attainment .But as for those who disbelieved .

it will be said:

where not our verses recited to you,but you were arrogant and became a people of criminals.

and when it was said:

Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth and the hour (is coming) No doubt about it,

you said: we know not what is the hour. we assume only assumption.and we are not convinced.

and the Evil consequences of what they did will appear to them ,and they will be enveloped by what

they used to ridicule.( Holy Book Quran:  45: 30:33)

Quran Therapy
App is designed for Muslims  to find the cure for different diseases with the help of Quranic verses.

Even though modern medication is effective but spiritual healing supersedes it in various regards.

Friday 22 April 2016

what is sirat e Mustaqeem?

 Sirat e mustaqeem means the straight path. who one go to on straight path then he/she get the goal.

Our prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: when the prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.w) was returning from the valedictory pilgrimege  ,He halted at Ghadeer e khum and  said,i am about to be summoned

( by GOD)  and i will respond  (to his call )

i am leaving in you to weighty things.

one of them is Bigger then other. The book of God and my AHLE BAIT (A.S)

Beware how you shall treat them after me.for they shall not part from each other until you join me

at the basin (on the judgement day)

First day of the school of shabiha batool.

Sunday 17 April 2016

sirat e mustaqeem.

What is the straight path?

            The straight path to GOD :

Describes limit of acceptable behavior sin offence against GOD.

Crossing boundary .
1: shirk       2:zalims    3: laying ,cursing.

only GOD can forgive sin if sincerely repent judgment day:

punishment ,reform of criminal .

"the path of Allah is long and we pass along it like turtles.

the goal is not that we arrive to the end of the path.rather the goal is that we die while we are on the straight path"

" I Ask  ALLAH to Guide all of us to the straight path"

Friday 15 April 2016

what is Islam?

Islam is the choice religion of Allah. Islam is the straight path .

According webster's History of words.the root of Islam is salam means peace.

the words Islam means submission.

the words Muslims means one who submit to Allah.

the submit to Allah you must know what Allah wants.what does Allah wants?

the answer this question is found in the Holy Books that define Islam The Quran and the Hadiths.

ISLAM: Monotheistic religion revealed to Muhammad(P.B.U.H) Ibn e Abdullah(610-632 C.E)

The Name Islam was instituted by the Quran sacred scripture revealed to Muhammad .

The word Islam is an Arabic word meaning "peace , submission, and obedience .

Islam is the comprehensive system of thought and life a new civilization .

Islam believes that God (Allah)speak through prophets.

Islam recognizes many of the prophets of Judaism and Christianity ,Including Jesus.

Islam believes Muhammad (P.B.U.H)is the greatest and final prophet of GOD (ALLAH).

The religion of Islam is the acceptance of and obedience to the teaching of GOD which He revealed

to His last prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)

Islam and Muslims are derived from the Arabic word for Submission.

Monday 11 April 2016

what is Islam?

Islam is testifying there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (s.a.w.w)is the messenger of Allah

and establish prayer and pay zakat and fast  .

"say: believes in GOD and that which was revealed unto us,and that which was revealed unto Ibrahim(A.S) and Isamil(A.S)and Ishaq (A.S)and  the tribes ,and that which was bestowed upon

Moses(A.S)and Jesus(A.S) and the prophets from their lord,

we make no distinction between any of them,and unto Him we have surrendered :
(Al-Quran 3:84)

Is Islam really a unitary concept?

the areas  where people who follow the Islamic religion live are far apart and have different cultures 

and cultures .
in what sense can religious identity be said to be more important than class,Nation,Gender, culture or History ,Especially when discussing a political system.

What is Islam Means?

Islam Means " surrender to the one God ALLAH.

Principles of Islam.
1: The Holy Quran  the scared text for muslims.

2: Hadith and Sunnah ,the saying and doing of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.w)

3: Shariah: Islamic constitution and law.

4: Total submission to the will of GOD :one GOD.

Because we are Muslims, our religion is called Islam and our Holy Book is called Quran.

the language of Quran is written in Arabic,

the root of Islam is Salam which means Peace and Islam means submission.

In the religious context it means attaining peace through submission to the divine natural order created by the One GOD.

Islam is not a new religion ,but the same truth that GOD revealed through all His prophets to Every one.
what is Islamic Art?

Islam started  in the 7th century ,so it started 1400 years ago.

Islam is the religion that muslim people follow.

Islam commands to have mercy,kindness ,Integrity ,close family relations,honesty and all the other good characters and manners .  


Saturday 9 April 2016

what is sirat e mustaqeem?

Quran is the straight path in Islam.Quran is the last book of Allah.

the first revelation of Al-Quran started in the month of Ramadan during the year

610 AD at that time prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was in a cave called cave of Hiraa.

it is called jabal-un-noor or the mountain of light near makkah Jibreel Ameen continued to

teach prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W)passages of AL-Quran every now and then.

Quran complete in 23 years.

Allah Say in Holy Quran 4 time in surah Qamar.

 (And indeed ,we have made the Quran easy

to understand and remember ,then is there any

that will remember "Or who will take head"

Monday 4 April 2016

lovely baby.

our prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)love with small children.
this is very lovely baby Muhammad Kian.
who love with children Allah also like of them.

Saturday 2 April 2016

what is Quran?

Al- Quran is the last Holy Book for the Muslims .Quran revealed  to prophet

Muhammad(P.B.U.H)  through Jibreel Ameen at The cave of Hira.

Quran is the miraculous words of Allah.

There fore Al- Quran is a wahi or divine revelation that has reached us.

The words of ALLAH bring jibreel Ameen to the prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)

and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) reached to the people.

will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.