Friday 15 April 2016

what is Islam?

Islam is the choice religion of Allah. Islam is the straight path .

According webster's History of words.the root of Islam is salam means peace.

the words Islam means submission.

the words Muslims means one who submit to Allah.

the submit to Allah you must know what Allah wants.what does Allah wants?

the answer this question is found in the Holy Books that define Islam The Quran and the Hadiths.

ISLAM: Monotheistic religion revealed to Muhammad(P.B.U.H) Ibn e Abdullah(610-632 C.E)

The Name Islam was instituted by the Quran sacred scripture revealed to Muhammad .

The word Islam is an Arabic word meaning "peace , submission, and obedience .

Islam is the comprehensive system of thought and life a new civilization .

Islam believes that God (Allah)speak through prophets.

Islam recognizes many of the prophets of Judaism and Christianity ,Including Jesus.

Islam believes Muhammad (P.B.U.H)is the greatest and final prophet of GOD (ALLAH).

The religion of Islam is the acceptance of and obedience to the teaching of GOD which He revealed

to His last prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)

Islam and Muslims are derived from the Arabic word for Submission.

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