Thursday 28 April 2016

what is Quran?

So as for those who believed and did righteous deeds,their Lord will admit them into his mercy.

that is what is their clear attainment .But as for those who disbelieved .

it will be said:

where not our verses recited to you,but you were arrogant and became a people of criminals.

and when it was said:

Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth and the hour (is coming) No doubt about it,

you said: we know not what is the hour. we assume only assumption.and we are not convinced.

and the Evil consequences of what they did will appear to them ,and they will be enveloped by what

they used to ridicule.( Holy Book Quran:  45: 30:33)

Quran Therapy
App is designed for Muslims  to find the cure for different diseases with the help of Quranic verses.

Even though modern medication is effective but spiritual healing supersedes it in various regards.

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