Monday 29 February 2016

Amr Bil-maroof and nahi anil munkar.

Among the Greatest obligation are Amr-bil-mar'oof(ordering for acknowledged virtues)
And Nahi-anil-munkar (forbidding from,sin)
Allah says:" and there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good ,order for acknowledged virtues ,forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful one's(Al e Imran:104)
The Holy prophet(P.B.U.H)said: How will it be for you when your women will commit sins and your youth will transgress and you will not order for acknowledges virtues not for bid from sins.?It was said to him:"will that happen O messenger of Allah"Then He (P.B.U.H)said:yes
then He said: "how will it be for you when you order for sins and forbid acknowledged virtues" then it was said ti him" O messenger of Allah(S.A.W)will that happen" then He said :" yes and worse than that how will it be for you when you perceive acknowledged virtue as sin and perceive sin as acknowledged virtue".
The condition (All should get satisfied ) are:
1: the person should have knowledge of what is wajib and Haram related to the act although in a broad-spectrum .But ,in some situation it may become wajib to learn about a wajib for haram specifically for doing ABM/Nam.
2:chance of the ABM/ NAM having an effect.
     if there is a chance (even if small)of the sin being given up or reduction of sin of the person then this condition gets satisfied,notwithstanding this.even if there is no chance or hope of its effect,it is Ehtiyat wajib to express ones displeasure through ones action or words.
3:Decision to repeat/do it the first time:
                                                             Abm/Nam will become wajib if it is known that the other person has Decided to commit the act as a repetition or as a first time acts in a way that rational people feel ABM/NAM as relevant in the particular case.
4: NO Religious excuse:
                            the wajib/haram should be applicable to the person performing it.
if he has a valid religious excuse then ABM/NAM does not come into force.this is true when the person does not consider the act as wajib /haram because of not knowing the subject (amuzoo)
like the person eats najis food not knowing that it was najis. In addition taqleed of different mujtahids can make haram for one person jaiz for another ,so if there is a chance of a different ruling also its not wajib.the first example is for subject or mauzu and second one is for rule or hukum.
But if the act is such that religious law abhors it even with above excuses then Abm/Nam will be wajib eg .killing of a momin.
5:No Zarar or haraj:
                  if the life ,property and honor (jaan,maal,izzat)up to a noteworthy magnitude of the person doing Abm/Nam is endangered or if the performance of ABM/NAM causes unbearable distress to him then ABM/NAM is not wajib .then same is the case of there is a danger of causing haram to any of the Muslims life,property and honor up to a noteworthy magnitude.
if the ABM/NAM is highly significant for a particular act in religion then one should judiciously weigh the loss and probability of loss versus importance of ABM/NAM for that particular act and the probability of effects.  

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