Saturday 13 February 2016

what is death?


In the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, death was defined as "the separation of the soul and the body"
the latest definition of death is three times as long and the  more we  learn about death the harder it gets to defining it about three centuries age it was fairly simple to determine if someone was dead,
if someone was thought to have died the family would have called the priest to come and make sure.
the priest would come and do some simple tests like put a mirror right  by their mouth see if it clouded up by breathing.
if the family needed further proof he would put feather on the nose to see if it moved,
O things were so simple back in the body"
Death is the only pure ,Beautiful conclusion of a great passion.
we are so afraid of death on our culture , But i think if we understand it better, then we'll appreciate the life we have more.
Life asked death.
"why do people love me but hate you"
Death responded.
"Because you are a beautiful life and i am painful truth"

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