Sunday 14 February 2016

Islamic information.

 stand for what?

 I for Islam:      
                    A way of life for all of who,
                    Give to Allah the praise that is due.
                   we worship and pray five times a day.
                    because we know it is the best way.

J is for Jesus:
                                Peace be upon him ,"Issa" is the son of Maryam,
                                To his people Allah's word did he carry Be Allah
                                help he made the sick well.
                                so people would believe what he had to tell.

K is for ka'bah:  
                              the first house of Allah in Mecca was made,
                              By Ibrahim and Ismail the stones were laid
                              millions of believers from every race,
                              come for hajj to his extra special place.
L is for Life:
                             A precious gift from Allah to you,
                             Don't waste it,he knows what you do,
                             Don't chase pleasure or forget Allah,
                             No matter how little,"say" AL,hamdulillah .

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