Monday 29 February 2016

Amr Bil-maroof and nahi anil munkar.

Among the Greatest obligation are Amr-bil-mar'oof(ordering for acknowledged virtues)
And Nahi-anil-munkar (forbidding from,sin)
Allah says:" and there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good ,order for acknowledged virtues ,forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful one's(Al e Imran:104)
The Holy prophet(P.B.U.H)said: How will it be for you when your women will commit sins and your youth will transgress and you will not order for acknowledges virtues not for bid from sins.?It was said to him:"will that happen O messenger of Allah"Then He (P.B.U.H)said:yes
then He said: "how will it be for you when you order for sins and forbid acknowledged virtues" then it was said ti him" O messenger of Allah(S.A.W)will that happen" then He said :" yes and worse than that how will it be for you when you perceive acknowledged virtue as sin and perceive sin as acknowledged virtue".
The condition (All should get satisfied ) are:
1: the person should have knowledge of what is wajib and Haram related to the act although in a broad-spectrum .But ,in some situation it may become wajib to learn about a wajib for haram specifically for doing ABM/Nam.
2:chance of the ABM/ NAM having an effect.
     if there is a chance (even if small)of the sin being given up or reduction of sin of the person then this condition gets satisfied,notwithstanding this.even if there is no chance or hope of its effect,it is Ehtiyat wajib to express ones displeasure through ones action or words.
3:Decision to repeat/do it the first time:
                                                             Abm/Nam will become wajib if it is known that the other person has Decided to commit the act as a repetition or as a first time acts in a way that rational people feel ABM/NAM as relevant in the particular case.
4: NO Religious excuse:
                            the wajib/haram should be applicable to the person performing it.
if he has a valid religious excuse then ABM/NAM does not come into force.this is true when the person does not consider the act as wajib /haram because of not knowing the subject (amuzoo)
like the person eats najis food not knowing that it was najis. In addition taqleed of different mujtahids can make haram for one person jaiz for another ,so if there is a chance of a different ruling also its not wajib.the first example is for subject or mauzu and second one is for rule or hukum.
But if the act is such that religious law abhors it even with above excuses then Abm/Nam will be wajib eg .killing of a momin.
5:No Zarar or haraj:
                  if the life ,property and honor (jaan,maal,izzat)up to a noteworthy magnitude of the person doing Abm/Nam is endangered or if the performance of ABM/NAM causes unbearable distress to him then ABM/NAM is not wajib .then same is the case of there is a danger of causing haram to any of the Muslims life,property and honor up to a noteworthy magnitude.
if the ABM/NAM is highly significant for a particular act in religion then one should judiciously weigh the loss and probability of loss versus importance of ABM/NAM for that particular act and the probability of effects.  

sirat e mustaqeem

this is the right path of Islam.first stage of Islam is pray.

what is care?

"Always take extra care of 3 things"
        promise and Relationship.
they don't make noise when they break.
but create big silence in life.

Saturday 27 February 2016

rules of tajweed lesson 2

Rules of Tajweed.

Lesson No 1.

Rules of Tajweed.

Throatal Letters.

there six(6) throatal letters.

these letters are pronounced from three levels of throat.
1: Bottom of throat: ء   ھ)ـ)
2: middle of throat:(ع ح)
3:Top of throat:(خ غ)

what is truth in Islam.

Political correctness is destroying the very fabric of society .
Never before in history have people been so afraid to stand
up against absurdity for fear of being labeled a racist ,a
Homophobe, or a bigot ,get rid of political correctness
.let's get people talking again.

Friday 26 February 2016

what is Islam?

Islam Means:
                      "Total submission to the will of GOD -one God .
We are Muslims, our Religion is called Islam and our 
Holy Book is called the QURAN.
The language of the Quran is written in Arabic,
we use the word:
"Allah meaning ONE GOD"

minor signs.

Women will outnumber men.eventually fifty women to each man.

Earth Quake will increase .

Good deeds will decrease.

Female singers and musical instruments will become popular.

People will believe in astrology 

Time will pass rapidly .Time will have no blessings. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016


Al Majeed means: The glorious ,The most Honorable.
Name Meaning: Al-Majeed is the one who essence is the perfection of majesty and glory.
He is dignified ,glorious and exceedingly generous.
Al-Majeed is the only one who deserves all praise and honor due to his excellence in both his being and action.
How to live by this name? know that you are a slave of one who is perfect so follow his book, submit to his commands and stay away from his prohibitions. praise Him continuously and show Him you are grateful to Him for all His bounties but also his trials and invite others to worship AL-Majeed,
(they said are you amazed at the decree of Allah? May the mercy of Allah and his blessing be upon you,people of the house ,indeed,,He is praiseworthy and Honorable)Al-Quran:11:73 

Tuesday 23 February 2016

what is sirat e mustaqeem

Read about the sirat e mustaqeem by Holy Book.

prayer before leaving the home.

Before leaving the home recite this "Dua"

i leaved only in the name of Allah and had faith in him.
Allah is owner of bounty.
He has power for one's change over from sins to prayers.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Fundamental facts of Riba.

1:Islam has clearly stated benefits of following of ethics and reality that followers follow in daily life.

2:Successful Islamic economics does not rise without ethics which cannot be separated to reality of life and its rational approach.

3:Practical life of people cannot prosper without proper ethics.

4:Riba practices corrupt the individual,s ethics, behavior,and feelings towards community and the society.

5:It also corrupts the human life,culture and the relationship by spreading the spirit of greed,,
selfishness ,sneaky,and gambling in general.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Meaning of Islam.

The word " Islam" means submission and surrender to ALLAH
By sincerely Worshiping him alone and not Worshiping   any
other god ,lord or master.
All of the prophets include Noah , Abraham,Moses,Jesus ,and Muhammad
were Muslims.
The word for peace 'Salam'  is derived from the same three-letter Arabic
root word-SLM  as the word 'Islam'.'Indeed,only through Islam will
man and establish real and comprehensive peace.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Beautiful masque.

this is very beautiful masque in the world.this is the place of pray.
who want read the pray in this beautiful masque.

The Bridge over the hell fire.

The prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said :the bridge over hell is like the sharp
edge of a sward.the first group to cross it will pass like a flash of lightning.
the second group will pass like the wind.
the third group will pass like the fastest horse.

white mountain(koh e safaid)

Koh e safaid in kurram Agency of Pakistan.
it's very high mountain.the high mountain look as a white ,it is snow.
the down hill is green."""what you say about this mountain write in comments"""

Wednesday 17 February 2016

what is unity?

"And hold fast, all of you together,
to the rope of Allah ,and be not divided 
among yourselves.
(Holy Book :3: 103)

what is Sirat e Mustaqeem.

In the name of Allah ,the beneficent ,the merciful.
praise be to Allah ,lord of the worlds.,the beneficent ,the merciful owner
of the day of judgment.
thee alone we worship ,thee alone we ask for help.
O ALLAH, i ask you for guidance ,piety ,chastity and independence .

About mom.

what is mom?

Everybody loves their mom from tinkle queen to big tom
Every bird sings one song .
they dearly love their mom.
i also want to send you this song ,i have search for and long,
but i have never found any one as special you my mom,
many happy returns of the day my dearest MOM.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

what is justice.

what is justice.
read this page must.this page about the justice.

Golden Quotes of imam Ali A.S

Golden Quotes of Imam Ali A.S

.Do not soil your consciences for any thing but heaven .
.The disease of the heart is worse than the disease of the body.
.To fight against one's desires is the greatest of all fights.
.The strongest among you is he who subdues his self.
.Wealth and greed are the roots of all evils.
.Riches without faith are the greatest poverty.
.A man's worth depends upon the nobility of his aspirations.
.Knowledge enlivens the soul.
.The learned lives,although he dies.
.The sum total of excellence is knowledge.


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Islamic image.

Life of Muslims.


O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice.
witnesses for Allah,even if it be against your selves or parents and relatives.
whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both,
So follow not(personal) Inclination ,lest you not be just,
and if you distort (your testimony)or refuse (to give it),
then indeed Allah is ever ,with what you do,Acquainted.
("surat-un-nisa verse: 135")

Islamic marriage.

who like Islamic marriage.

Don't choose the one who is beautiful
in the world.
But, rather , choose the one who makes
your world beautiful.
"there is nothing better for two who love each other then marriage".

Monday 15 February 2016

Love and Marriage in Islam.

Love and Marriage in Islam.

And Among his signs is that He has created for you mates
from among yourselves ,that ye may dwell in tranquility
with them and He has put love and mercy between
(your hearts)
(the Holy Book  surah Al-Rum :21)


Islamic tutorial.



Sunday 14 February 2016

Islamic information.

 stand for what?

 I for Islam:      
                    A way of life for all of who,
                    Give to Allah the praise that is due.
                   we worship and pray five times a day.
                    because we know it is the best way.

J is for Jesus:
                                Peace be upon him ,"Issa" is the son of Maryam,
                                To his people Allah's word did he carry Be Allah
                                help he made the sick well.
                                so people would believe what he had to tell.

K is for ka'bah:  
                              the first house of Allah in Mecca was made,
                              By Ibrahim and Ismail the stones were laid
                              millions of believers from every race,
                              come for hajj to his extra special place.
L is for Life:
                             A precious gift from Allah to you,
                             Don't waste it,he knows what you do,
                             Don't chase pleasure or forget Allah,
                             No matter how little,"say" AL,hamdulillah .


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what is means of jihad?

What is Jihad ?

In Islam jihad means to struggle against injustice.
jihad does not means killing any innocent human  being.
ALLAH says in the holy Book (QUR'AN)
 who ever kills an innocent human , it is as if he has killed all mankind.

what is tawheed?


tawheed is the special belief of Islam.
No followers of any other religion truly believes in complete tawheed except Muslims.
it is the belief that ALLAH (i.e the creator) is unique in his lordship,and that he is the only
one that acts of worship should be devoted to.
he is also unique in his beautiful names and lofty attributes .

Saturday 13 February 2016

what's Islam Says.

Terrorism Has No Place in Islam.

ALLAH Says in Holy Book.
" whosoever kills an innocent human being , it shall be as if he has killed all mankind,
and whosoever saves  the life of one ,
it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.
(Holy Book 5:32)

Gall Bladder after the operation.

Gall Bladder operation.
After the operation of gall bladder watch this video must.

After Successful Gall Bladder operation .

After successful operation of Gall Bladder in Rawalpindi.must watch.

Successful operation of a woman in Rawalpindi.


A successful operation of a woman in Rawalpindi . the operation of pancreas. O ALLAH to heal the sick.

what is death?


In the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, death was defined as "the separation of the soul and the body"
the latest definition of death is three times as long and the  more we  learn about death the harder it gets to defining it about three centuries age it was fairly simple to determine if someone was dead,
if someone was thought to have died the family would have called the priest to come and make sure.
the priest would come and do some simple tests like put a mirror right  by their mouth see if it clouded up by breathing.
if the family needed further proof he would put feather on the nose to see if it moved,
O things were so simple back in the body"
Death is the only pure ,Beautiful conclusion of a great passion.
we are so afraid of death on our culture , But i think if we understand it better, then we'll appreciate the life we have more.
Life asked death.
"why do people love me but hate you"
Death responded.
"Because you are a beautiful life and i am painful truth"

Friday 12 February 2016

Holy book says.

Says Holy Book.
Indeed, ALLAH will not change the condition of a people
until they change what is in themselves.

Translation of Surah Alfatiha.

Translation of Surah Alfatiha.

1:Praise be to ALLAH, Lord  of the worlds.
2: The beneficent , The merciful.
3:Master of the day of judgment.
4:Thee(alone) we worship, The (alone) we ask for help.
5: Show us the straight path.
6: The path of those whom thou hast favored ;Not the path of those who earn thine anger,Nor of those who go astray.

recite of holy book.

Scope of Holy Book.
it gives arguments to disprove false beliefs of all kinds. and answers all sorts of questions and
objection raised about its teaching and about the Holy Prophet.

good words.

Good Words.
Smile and Silence are two powerful tools,
Smile is the way to solve many problems,
and silence is the way to avoid many problems.

the story of prophet shuaib A.S.

the story of prophet Shuaib A.S.

Allah the almighty revealed the story of shuib A.S.
" to the people of Madian  we sent their brother Shuaib  .He said  " O my people worship ALLAH ,you have no other ALLAH(GOD)but him. verily a clear proof (sign) from your lord has come
unto you. So give full measure and full weight and wrong not men in their things, and do not
mischief on the earth after it has been set in order that will be better for you.
if you are believers, and sit not on every road ,threatening ,and hindering from the path of ALLAH those who believe in Him, and seeking to make it crooked.
Remember when you were but few ,and He multiplied you.see what was the end of the mufsideen (mischief  makers ,corrupts and liars) and of there is a party of you who believe, so be patient ,until ALLAH judges , "the chief of those who were arrogant among his people said," we shall certainly drive you out" O Shu,aib and those who have believed with you from our town, or else you all shall return to our religion."  

Thursday 11 February 2016

Jumaa Mubarak for all.

Friday  Mubarak.For All Muslims.

Today is Friday.
The day of acceptance of pray.
i pray to ALLAH for you and your family a good health, long life,brilliant success ,barak-e-kaseer in your (jan o mal ,izzat o iman, seht ,rizq,Elm and age and all joys of life which you have over wished.
O ALLAH ,for give me all my sins great and small ,the first and the last those that
are apparent and those that are hidden.

what,s say holy quran about the advice?

About the Advice from Holy Quran.

(surah al nahl :89)
And we have send down to you the book ( the Quran)as an exposition of every thing, and guidance ,a mercy , and glad tidings for those who have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims).
(Surah hajj 22:5)
" and that those who have been given knowledge may know that it.(this Qur'an) is the truth from your lord ,and that they may believe therein ,and their hearts may submit to it with Humility, and verily , ALLAH is the guide for those who believe ,to the straight path"
(Surah ALbaqrah :42)
"And do not mix truth with falsehood ,nor cancel the truth while you know"

what is Advice?

What is an advice?

An advice is a kind of suggestion that anyone offers to other people in order to change his/her mind or   Behavior.
i write some sentence about the advice .

investigate ,lest you harm out of ignorance.
Act justly.
Make peace between your brothers.
let not a people ridicule (another) people.
Do not insult one another.
Do not call each other by (offensive) nickname.
Avoid much (negative)assumption.
Do not spy on one another.
Do not backbite each other.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

what is lies?

what is lies?

He who permits him self to tell a lie once, Finds it much easier to do it a second and third time.
till at length it becomes habitual.
words may lie But action will always tell the truth.
Big or Small Lies are lies.
Lies are like Scares to the soul. they destroy you.

Family tree imam Hussain A.S


1:MUHAMMAD (GRANDFATHER) (family tree)



3: FATIMA TUL ZAHRA (mother)______________________________4: IMAM ALI  A.S (father)


5:Mohsin ibn e  Ali A.S(brother) 6:Hassan ibn Ali (Brother) 7: Hussain ibn e Ali


8: Zainab bint Ali_____________________________________9: Ume kulsoom bint Ali.

Sirat e Mustaqeem: Darguzar.

Sirat e Mustaqeem: Darguzar.: DARGUZAR. qiamat k din aik monadi nida kary ga jaisy shro sy akhir tak sab ahl e mahshar sone gy. nida karny wala kahy ga. fazilat waly ka...


qiamat k din aik monadi nida kary ga jaisy shro sy akhir tak sab ahl e mahshar sone gy.
nida karny wala kahy ga. fazilat waly kahan haen?
ye ilan son kar ahl e mahshar sy aik jamaat khari ho gi our farishty on ka istiqbal karyn gy.
our onsy puchen gy: tomhari woh fazilata kia thi jis ki waja sy tomhaen ye imtiaz hasil hoa?
woh kaen ge. k baz auoqat nadani ki waja sy log hamari touheen karty hum bardasht karty thy.
our kabhi hum sy bora sulook hota, to hum maaf kar daty thy.
is waqt ALLAH k taraf sy aik munadi nida kary ga. (farisho) mary ye bandy such kahty haen.inka rasta shor do taky hisab k baghair janat maen dakhil ho jaen.

Monday 8 February 2016

Happy day happy day.


Oh happy day. Happy day.
you wash my sin away
oh happy day ,Happy day.
i will never be the same Oh no
for ever i am changed.

i really did,t have much to say. oh happy day ,Happy day.
smile a while and while you smile.
smile another smile ans soon there will be miles and miles of smile just because you smiled.


Sunday 7 February 2016

About the truth.

QUR'AN 9:111- surly ALLAH has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this  ,that they shall have the garden, they fight in ALLAH's way ,so they slay and are slain.

QUR'AN  surah 49: ayat 06: O believers .if an Evildoer comes to you with some news.
verify it( investigate  to ascertain the truth.)

About the Islam.


the din that had built the foundation of love .
Islam give us five solution to bring unity.
1: Avoid useless talk.
2: Avoid pet names.
3:Avoid making fun of others.
4: Avoid anger.
5: speak truth.
we are here to establish Islam on on this earth.

what is Islam?

what is Islam ?
Islam means "surrender to the one GOD  ALLAH,"
Principles of Islam are conveyed  through.
the Holy Qur'an : the scared text  for muslims .
Hadith  and sunnah : the saying and doing of prophet muhammad (P.B.U.H)
Shariah :Islamic  constitution and law.

translation of prayer.


Praise be to ALLAH.lord of the worlds.

The beneficent , the merciful.

Master of the day of judgment.

Thee alone we worship and to thee alone we turn for help.

Guide us in the straight  path.

the path of those  whom you favored .

and who did not deserve thy anger.

or went astray.

Friday 5 February 2016

union is strength: what is union strength.

union is strength: what is union strength.: what is union strength. if the people live together , they are most powerful and strong.if they work themselves then not do those work who...

what you know about the life.



"when you give importance to people. they think  that you are always free.

but they don,t understand that you make yourself Available for them Every time"
LIFE is like  a camera  ,Focus on what's important.

capture the good times,  Develop from the negative.

And if thing don,t work out, take another shot.
LIFE is all about the choice you make.

the opportunities you srab,  .the chances you miss . the people you meet and the failure you learn

from.the experience we have all our life makes us the people we are.

Remember that the next time you try to judge someone  else.

Sirat e Mustaqeem: what is life .what difference between born and dea...

Sirat e Mustaqeem: what is life .what difference between born and dea...: what is life? they say it,s from B and D. from Birth to Death. But what between B and D? it ,s a " C" what is a C? ...

what is life .what difference between born and death.

what is life?

they say it,s from B and D.

from Birth to Death.

But what between B and D?

it ,s a " C" what is a C?

it is a choice.

our life is a matter of choice.

live well and it will never go wrong.

juma,ah mubarak.


O ye who believed. when the call is proclaimed to prayer on the friday (the day of assembly-youmul jumaah)  hastern earnestly to the remembrance  of ALLAH.

Hadees the prophet muhammad (P.B.U.H);

the prophet said, one every friday the angles take their stand at every gate of the mosque to write the names of peoples chronologically ( According to the time of their arrival for the friday prayer)
when the imam sits on member to  listen their khutbah with think.

there are two units of the prayer of jum'ah .
the jumu;ah prayer is  half f zuhr .prayer.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Advise for all human.

success life

kamyab zindagi guzarna chahty ho ,To

Hamesha yad rakho, "paon beshak pesal jaye liken

zuban ko na phisalne do.

"Aj amal ha Hisab nain " jhoot bol k jeet jane se such bol k har jana bekhtar ha.

"khoobsoorati kapron ya shakal se nai balke

Achy akhlaq se hoti haen.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Aqwal e zareen of masomeen.

Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S:

koi shakhs gunah sy oos waqt tak mehfooz nahen rahta. 
jab tak woh apni zuban qabo maen na rakhen.

Imam Ali A.S :

jis ny apni zuban ki hifazat ki.
ALLAH oski izat ki hifazat kary ga.

Tuesday 2 February 2016



NAMES                                                                             BORN                                 AGE

1: HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H)..                        .MECCA                             63 YEARS

2: HAZRAT FATIMA TUL ZAHRA A.S....                  .MECCA                             18 YEARS

3: HAZRAT ALI UL MURTAZA A.S........            .JOUF E KHANA KABA          63 YEARS

4: HAZRAT HASSAN E MUJTABA..........             .MADINA                                   47 YEARS

5: HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN A.S                           MADINA                                   57 YEARS

6: HAZRAT IMAM ZAIN UL ABIDEEN A.S....      MADINA                                  57 YEARS

7: HAZRAT IMAM MUHAMMAD BAQIR A.S..   MADINA                                   57 YEARS

8: HAZRAT IMAM JAFAR SADIQ A.S                    MADINA                                  65 YEARS


10: HAZRAT IMAM ALI RIZA A.S                    MADIAN MUNAWIRA                 50 YEARS

11: HAZRAT IMAM MUHAMMAD TAQI A.S      MADIANA                                  25 YEARS

12: HAZRAT IMAM ALI NAQI A.S                        MADINA                                     40 YEARS

13: HAZRAT IMAM HASSAN ASKARI A.S          MADINA                                    28 YEARS



Sirat e Mustaqeem: signs of judgment day.

Sirat e Mustaqeem: signs of judgment day.: THE SIGNS OF QIAMAT. 1: people will leave the prayer. 2: the people will usurp amanaat. 3:lying will become art. 4:there wi...

signs of judgment day.

1: people will leave the prayer.

2: the people will usurp amanaat.

3:lying will become art.

4:there will be murders on the slightest of disagreements.

5: interest will be come common.

6: there will be build very tall building.  

7: people will sell religion  for the world.

8: people will treat relatives badly.

9: justice will become a rarity.

10: lies will be considered truth.

Monday 1 February 2016

Sirat e Mustaqeem: must read good qawal

Sirat e Mustaqeem: must read good qawal: Advice for All. stone is broken with the last stroke of hammer....... this does not means that the 1st stroke was unless. ...............

must read good qawal

Advice for All.
stone is broken with the last stroke of hammer.......

this does not means that the 1st stroke was unless.

problem never stay long...they just put their signature in the experience book of your life

and move away.

Qawak Hazrat imam ALI A.S

lakho ko dost banana koi bari bat nai.

bari bat ye ha. k aisa dost banaye jo tomhara sath os waqt dy

 jab lakho dost tomhara sath chor jaye.

Sirat e Mustaqeem: Qawal imam sadiq A.S

Sirat e Mustaqeem: Qawal imam sadiq A.S: "میسر بن عبد لعزیز کہ دیتے ہیں ."کہ امام جعفر صادق نے فرمایا " اے میسر . الله سے دعا مانگا کرو .اور یہ حیال نہ کرو .کہ تقدی...

Qawal imam sadiq A.S

"میسر بن عبد لعزیز کہ دیتے ہیں ."کہ امام جعفر صادق نے فرمایا "

اے میسر . الله سے دعا مانگا کرو .اور یہ حیال نہ کرو .کہ تقدیر کے تحت ہر چیز کا فصلہ پہلے ہو چوکا ہے .اور اب دعا 

مانگنا بیکار ہے .الله کے ہاں ایک بہت بڑا درجہ ہے جس پر دعا کے سوا نہیں پہنجا جا سکتا .اگر بندا منہ بند رکھے اور کچھ 

نہ مانگے تو اسے کچھ نہیں ملے گا .تم خدا سے مانگو .وہ تمہیں عطا کرے گا .میسر : یاد رکھو کہ جو شحص کسی درواۓ 

کو مسلسل کھٹکھٹاتا رہے تو آخر کار وہ اس کیلے کھول دیا جاتا ہیں

Sirat e Mustaqeem: Qawal prophet muhammad(P.B.U.H)

Sirat e Mustaqeem: Qawal prophet muhammad(P.B.U.H): says prophets muhammad (pace be upon him) jab qiamat qareeb hogi ,to sun earth k qareeb ajay ga or quickearth ziada ayngy. Aap (S.A...

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